Nieuwe IFS Doctrine voor IFS Food

31 jul Nieuwe IFS Doctrine voor IFS Food

Er is voor de versie 6 van de IFS Food een nieuwe Doctrine gepubliceerd door IFS.
Naast een aantal nieuwe zaken ten aanzien van het auditproces staan er 2 nadere toelichtingen in omtrent normpunten.

Hieronder de betreffende nadere toelichtingen:

6.1 Defense assessment, requirement 6.1.3
– IFS Food 6 Standard: “If legislation makes registration or onsite inspections necessary, evidence shall be provided.”
– IFS Food defense Guidelines: “This requirement is not applicable if no legislation exists in the country where the audit is done and where the products are sold.”
– Clarification: “This requirement is not applicable if no food defense legislation exists in the country where the audit is done and where the products are sold.”

6.4 External inspection, requirement 6.4.1
– IFS Food 6 Standard: “A documented procedure shall exist for managing external inspections and regulatory visits. Relevant personnel shall be trained to execute the procedure.”
– IFS Food defense Guidelines: “This requirement is not applicable if no legislation exists in the country where the audit is done which ask for external inspections and/or regulatory visits or if the company doesn’t export to the uS and no FDA inspection could happen.”
– Clarification: This requirement is not applicable if no food defense legislation exists in the country where the audit is done which ask for food defense external inspections and/or food defense regulatory visits or if the company doesn’t export to the US and no FDA food defense inspection could happen.” As a result, food safety inspections which are performed by authorities are not involved in this requirement.

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